06.12.2017 Festival of pedagogical ideas "The way to success" On 4 December, 2017 at Abai KazNPU was held a festival of pedagogical ideas "The way to success", organized by Professor of the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology Marfuga Absatova.
The main goal of the festival is the popularization of innovative pedagogical experience, the exchange of accumulated experience.
Guests and experts of the festival were director of the Institute of History and Law Bolat Zhumagulov, the deputy director for educational work Mukhtar Muratkazin, the associate professor Nesibely Kalkayeva and head of the department management and quality of education of the JSC "National Center for professional development "Orleu Almash Turalbayeva. Also, undergraduates of the 1st year course of specialties "Mathematics", "Physics" and "Informatics", "History" and "Law" took part in the festival.
At the end of the festival of pedagogical ideas "The way to success" were awarded diplomas I, II, III degrees. The diploma of the 1st degree was awarded to the undergaraduate of the specialty "History" Meruert Erzhanova, the diplomas of the 2nd degree were awarded to the undergraduates of the specialties "Physics" and "Informatics" Nurbol Amangeldi, Kazhimukan Dzhalgasbayev and Zhanat Adilbekova, diplomas of the 3rd degree were awarded to undergraduates of the specialties "History" and "Religious Studies" Olzhas Karibaev and Madiyar Tastanbekov.
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