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Meeting with the representative of the Revenue Department

On 14 March 2024, the staff of Abai KazNPU met with the leading specialist of the Department of non-productive settlements and individuals of Medeu District Revenue Department of Almaty Zhumabay Ernar Serikbayuly.


During the event was presented information about the third stage of public declaration from 1 January 2024 in Kazakhstan, about the stages of declaration, about persons who are required to submit a declaration, about assets and liabilities at the third stage, also the specialist answered all the questions of employees.


In particular, information was provided on filling out the declaration of assets and liabilities (form 250.00), the declaration of income and property (form 270.00), on the deadline and procedure for filing a declaration - for the previous year, filing a declaration as of 31 December on the need to provide information on existing assets and declaration of liabilities, as well as showed a video instruction on how to fill out the form.





