08.12.2020 A webinar on the organization of an inclusive education space in the conditions of TVE will be held
In order to disseminate the effective experience of inclusive education, a Virtual Laboratory for Inclusive Education operates at the Resource Centre for Inclusive Education for Higher Education Institutions in Kazakhstan.
On December 9, 2020, at 3 pm it is planned to hold another webinar of the Virtual Laboratory online through ZOOM on «Technical and Vocational Education for People with Special Educational Needs: Experience of Organizing an Inclusive Education Space in TVE».
The speakers are the President of the private charitable foundation «Azamat aleuety», associate professor Seisenova Almagul, heads, teachers and masters of industrial training of the Almaty State College of Technology and Floristics and the Almaty State Polytechnic College. Heads and staff of schools, teachers of colleges and universities of the country are invited to participate in the webinar.
Link to the webinar: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85395308831?pwd=RmNnbEc4eHVGL3VlSnZPS2plWnpvdz09
Conference ID: 853 9530 8831
Password: 945990