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The team of Abai KazNPU took the 1st place among university teachers in Spartakiad

Within the framework of the large-scale city program "Sportive Almaty" in the sport complex of al-Farabi Kazakh National University was held a sports competitions among teachers of Almaty universities.
Spartakiad was held by the following kinds of sport as mini-football, togyzkumalak, armrestling, arkan tartu, chess and lifting weights.
The general purpose of the event to define the best teams among teachers of the universities, propaganda of the above mentioned kinds of sport, the raising sportive master skills of the participants, to define powerful and improving the current state of sport in the City.
Sports competitions were held according to simplified acting judicial rules with the participation of men and women who teach at the universities of the city. According to the regulations, in each team by sport, except for football and lifting weights should be 3-4 female representatives.
About 100 teachers from 8 universities of the city fought for the title of the best. In this difficult struggle, the team of Abai KazNPU won the 1st place in the team-wide offset. The 2nd place was awarded to the staff of the BS CNS Academy, and the 3rd place took the teachers of the Narxoz.
Winners and prize-winners were awarded with medals, diplomas and cups, and also received gifts from the organizers.








Department of Public Relations