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Ongarbayeva Aliya Tynysovna
Ongarbayeva Aliya Tynysovna
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY I was born in Taraz, graduated from school in 1981 and entered the APIA, studied at the Faculty of French. She worked in secondary school No. 42 in Taraz. Then she graduated from the H. Dulati TarSU with a degree in Russian Language and Literature. At the moment I work at KazNPU named after. Abaya. Russian Russian dissertation topics: Master`s thesis "Formation of socio-cultural competence of students of financiers in the classroom of the practical course of the Russian language" in the specialty "Russian language in schools with a non-Russian language of instruction" 2013.; the topic of the dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (PhD): "A synergetic model of the formation of the linguistic personality of a student financier (by the example of mastering the cliched formulas of Russian professional speech)".
SUBJECTS TAUGHT Bachelor`s degree: Russian
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - the subject of research, the number of publications (specify 5 significant ones). Research interests: communicative linguistics, methods of the Russian language. I have more than 50 publications.
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