Open lessons conducted by student interns using interactive methods
The open lessons conducted by student-trainees of the final courses in the educational programs "Primary Education", Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology, during the periods from November 7 to 9 and from November 14 to 16, 2023, according to the approved schedule, demonstrated positive results. Students showcased effective use of multimedia digital technologies in their lessons. In their work, students also applied strategies that increased the cognitive interest of students ("Bingo," "Add Details," "Fun Ball," "Magic Mirror," "Tree of Knowledge," "Sakura," "Insert," "Daisy Bloom," "Character Portrait," "Yes-No," "Telegram," "Cubism," and others). The correct use of active methods yielded successful results.
The teacher-methodologists of the Department of Primary Education (Makhanova A.K., Abdykadyrov A.O., Akpaeva A.B., Ryabova E.V., Zhumash Z.E., Zhankushkov B.O., Arynova G., Sarsenbaeva G.Kh., Naimanova D.M., Tynyskhanova A.T., Kalbergenova Sh.) regularly provide methodological assistance to trainees in the preparation of lessons, participate in the analysis of lessons and extracurricular activities together with school teachers.