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We invite you to the preparatory faculty at Abai KazNPU


The purpose of the preparatory faculty is to create optimal conditions for admission to any University in the country, especially for students who have chosen future pedagogical specialties!

In order to implement the decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan from June 18, 2016 No. 354 «On approval of the state educational order for training of specialists with higher and postgraduate education, as well as technical and professional, postsecondary education in the organizations of education financed from the Republican budget, for the 2016/2017 academic year» and enhance language proficiency to study at preparatory departments of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, in order to increase and improve the knowledge of students in the 2020/2021 academic year, training will be conducted under a state educational grant.


The terms and conditions are as follows:

- Award of a state educational grant for the programs «Biology», «Chemistry», «Physics», «Сomputer Science» and language training (English);
- State scholarship;
- Free accommodation in the hostel;
- Command of the English language;
- Classes are conducted by highly qualified professional teachers.

Information about the preparatory Department and the provision of necessary documents can be obtained by calling:
+7701 366 27 35 Dzhunusova Saltanat Mamadjanovna
+7 747 316 65 98 Pernabekova Anar Kazhdenbekovna
+7 707 555 46 76 Ibragimova Sahiza
+7847 660 38 08 Katpaeva Laura


Address: 56 «В», Abai Ave., 104 - office, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan

Tel./ Fax 8 (727)392 22 00;