Literary and musical evening "Halyktyn uly khas batyrү Amangeldy"
On April 11, 2023, a teacher of the Institute of History and Law Department of Political Science and Socio-Philosophical Disciplines Aripzhanova Uldana Kaldybekovna, together with 2nd-year students of the specialty Cultural Studies, took part in the literary and musical evening "Halyktyn uly khas batyrү Amangeldy", organized in the Central Museum dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the main sardar Amangeldy Imanov of the National Liberation Uprising. During the evening, the life and exploits of the hero were discussed, and a meeting with the descendants of A. Imanov took place. During the evening, beautiful songs were performed and an exhibition was organized. Such events will undoubtedly make a great contribution to improving the professional qualifications and cultural outlook of future cultural scientists. At the end of the event, the students exchanged opinions and received positive impressions.