18.06.2020 Summer online courses of Russian language for foreign citizens in Abai KazNPU
On June 15, 2020, the Department of philological specialties for foreign citizens of the faculty for foreign citizens and pre-University training launched summer online Russian language courses for citizens of foreign countries who did not leave for vacation at home due to the closure of international flights.
The language courses are attended by students from countries such as China, Nigeria, Ghana, Bangladesh, Venezuela, the Republic of Korea, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and others.
The courses use interactive forms of learning: lesson-virtual tour, role-playing and aspect games of different target orientation, as well as multimedia technologies. Training takes place online on the Zoom platform.
Classes are conducted by specialists with extensive experience in teaching Russian as a foreign language: Professor Balgazina B. S., ass. Professor Aitkazina T. T., Ph. D., associate Professor Nurakhunova G. M., master, senior teacher Mamytbekova L. K., master, teacher Shmakova E. S.
The course program is designed for eight weeks, 144 academic hours.
To enroll in summer online courses, you must submit the following documents: 1) application to the rector of KazNPU named after Abay; 2) contract for paid educational services (2 copies);
3) payment receipt for training - 70,000 tenge for one month.
Contact information: +7 707 2276826, +7 747 1932702, alena-low2008@mail.ru
We invite everyone to take online Russian language courses!
Since 2011, the Center for International Certification (TORFL-test of Russian as a foreign language) has been opened at the Department of Philological Specialties for Foreign Citizens and Pre-University Training.
The Center prepares the citizens of foreign states for certification tests in Russian to obtain the Russian Federation State Certificate of the appropriate level of the Russian language as a foreign language.
The Center trains Russian language for foreign citizens in accordance with international standards approved by the European Association of Examination Councils for Foreign Languages ALTE.
The teachers of the Center were trained at M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and have certificates.
Listeners of the Center successfully pass the certification exams.
Classes are held in groups of 2-3 times per week for 10 academic hours per week (1 academic hour - 40 minutes).
Duration of training: from 1 to 9 months.
Tuition fees for courses in 2019/2020 academic year 50,000 tenge per month.
Academic year begins on September, 1 this year.
Documents: a copy of the passport, translated into Russian and notarized.
The contract is filled in the Center.
University prepares a study visa to attend courses. Contacts: Mamytbekova Lyailya, +7 707 2276826, lyailya71@mail.ru