Switch to the Latin alphabet is requirement of the time
In the article "Course towards Future: spiritual renewal" , President N.A. Nazarbayev proposed three projects for the formation of basic principles for the modernization of public consciousness, along with the manifestation of endurance tests of modernity. The first - gradual switch to the Latin alphabet, the second - 100 new textbooks on the new humanitarian sciences, the third - "Tugan zher / Motherland" program for educating the patriotic spirit among the youth. Moderator of the round table, Professor B. Abdigaziev, focused on the importance of the switch to the Latin alphabet in the life of the people, also noted that the switch is related to technological discoveries and the peculiarities of teaching in the 21st century. Deputy Director of A. Baytursynuly Institute of Linguistics, candidate of philological sciences, associate professor Anar M. Fazylzhanova said that the professors of this institute are preparing a new version of the Latin alphabet since 2007. "To this end, a republican commission was established and a meeting was organized with Azerbaijani, Uzbek and Turkish scientists," says A. Fazylzhanova "... they talked with scientists who were involved in these procedures. As previously mentioned, since 2007, we have already found answers to exciting questions. Based on the experience of the Turkic countries, inviting their scientists, it is necessary to create a commission. Our institute has studied all the nuances of foreign experiments. We need to build on them. Scientists from other countries can not make our alphabet. Therefore, we must work ourselves. In this procedure, we should use the full potential of our scientists. " And in this speech Anar Fazylzhanova noted about the peculiarities of some sounds of the Kazakh language in the Latin notation and warned to be extremely cautious in this matter. The main scientific employee of A. Baytursynuly Institute of Linguistics, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Alimkhan Zhunisbek noted that all changes are directed to the future of the country, i.е. the younger generation. Professor of the Kazakh language department, Doctor of philological sciences, Professor Fauziya Orazbayeva, spoke about the methodological peculiarities of the development of the Latin alphabet. The main researcher of A. Baytursynuly Institute of Linguistics, professor Zeinep Muslimikyzy drew attention to the experience of switch to the Latin alphabet and further potential. Also, discussions were held on the topics "Principles of the compilation of the Latin alphabet" and "Actual questions of using Latin graphics in the system of higher education" between the scientists of the universities of Almaty, the Institute of Linguistics, doctoral students and undergraduates. The round table was aimed at speeding up the preparation of the Latin alphabet.