Біз туралы | ![]() Zhumasheva Svetlana Satybaldievna
Short autobiography Born 01.01. 1960 in the West Kazakhstan region. From 1976 to 1981 studied at the Ural Pedagogical Institute. 1981-1988: teacher, deputy. Director for OIA of the Dzhangalinsk secondary school of the Ural region, 1988-1991: Head of the methodological department of the Dzhangalinsk district education department of the Ural region. 1991-1996: Post-graduate student of the Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences named after A. Altynsarina, Scientific Secretary of the Scientific and Methodological Center for General Education of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Researcher of the Coordination and Innovation Sector of Fundamental and Applied Scientific Research of the Kazakh Academy of Education I. Altynsarin. 1996 - 2011: Senior lecturer, associate professor, vice-rector for academic affairs, senior researcher at the Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism. 2011-2020: Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy, KazNPU named after Abai.
Academic degree
Scientific title
Teaching disciplines: 1)Pedagogy; 2)Management in education; 3)Theory and methodology of educational work
Scientific and methodological activity Research topic: Problems of modern education and upbringing, more than 100 publications.
Publications: 1. International experience of professional training of a modern teacher// Golloquium-journal#10(34.2019/ Pedagogical sciences-p.55-59. 2. Sociocultural Effects of Cognitive Independence of Students and Schoolchildren / Questions of Modern Science: Collective Scientific Monograph / Ed. N.R. Krasovskaya - Russia, M. ed. Internauka, 2016.-152s. / Co-authored / 3. Problems of collaborative teaching of future teachers // Golloquium-journal # 13 (37.2019 / Gresc 5- Pedagogical sciences-p.55-59. 4. On the role of multilingual education in the context of globalization // World Science, no. 5 (38), 2020 / co-authored / 5. Didactic opportunities for online learning // Golloquium-journal # 10 (34.2019 / Pedagogical sciences-p.55-59.
Rewards Badge of KazNPU named after Abay "UZDIK USTAZ" 2017.
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