Біз туралы | ![]() Abdykadyrov Aidos Otarovich
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY Abdykadyrov Aidos Otarovich graduated from school, pedagogical school of Panfilov district of Almaty region. Then I worked as a teacher of "Physical culture" and "Labor training" at school, head of a circle in the House of Pioneers. In 1992 I graduated with honors from the Faculty of Fine Arts and Graphics of the KazPI named after Abai with a degree in Fine Arts, Drawing and Labor. Since this yearI has been working as a senior lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy and Methods of Primary Education at KazNPU Abay. In 2020 I was awarded the academic degree of Master of Pedagogical Sciences in the specialty pedagogy and methodology of primary educationMore than 50 scientific publications.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Undergraduatestudies: 1. Methods of teaching the updated content of the discipline "Artistic work" 2. Methods of teaching the updated content of the discipline "Physical culture" 3. Methods of teaching art work. 4. Physical culture teaching method.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant) Research topic: Methods of teaching art work in primary school. Has more than 50 scientific publications, including 1 article in a journal with an impact factor 1. Enhancement of dual training in the system of vocationaleducation(on the basis of comparative analysis of Germany andKazakhstan) // Journal: Journal of Social Sciences and HumanitiesManuscript ID JSSH-3310-2018. (Smanova A., Abdigapbarova U., Ibraimova L., Serikbaeva G.). 2. Features of teaching the subject "Artistic work" in primary school in the context of updated content // Bulletin of KazNPU them. Abay (series "Pedagogical Sciences"), 2019.- №4 (64). - 462-466 p. 3. Pedagogical practice as an effective means of professional training of future primary school teachers // Bulletin of KazNPU im. Abay (series "Pedagogical Sciences"), 2020.- №2 (66). 4. Attracting primary school students to folk crafts in teaching the subject "Artistic work".// "Young Scientist" International scientific journal. Kazan,№ 44 (282) / 2019. P. 363-365 5. Preparing future primary school teachers for teaching the subject "Artistic work". // Materials of the International Forum of the Eurasian Association of Pedagogical Universities "Problems of Education: Traditions and Innovations". - Almaty, KazNPU them. Abay. The 4th of October,2018. 138-141 p.
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant) Research topic: Preparing future primary school teachers for teaching the subject "Artistic work". 1. Methodical instructions for the organization of independent work of students on the subject of theory and teaching methods "Artistic work". -Almaty, 2018. 2. Methodical instructions for laboratory work on the theory and methodology of teaching "Artistic work". -Almaty, 2018. 3. Theory and methodology of teaching "artistic work". Educational-methodical complex for students of specialty 5B010200 - Pedagogy and methods of primary education. - Almaty, 2014. 4. Theory and methodology of teaching "Artistic Labor". Educational-methodical complex.-Almaty, 2014. 5. Methodical instructions for the organization of independent work of students in the discipline "Workshop in the fine arts." - Алматы, 2016.
AWARDS 1. The "Best Teacher" badge for merits in training specialists. (2017). 2. Jubilee medal "90 years of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai" for the contribution to the development of the university. (2018).
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