Біз туралы | ![]() Kdyrbaeva Azatgkul Akhmetovna
Short Biography (no more than 150) I have been working in Abai KazNPU since 1974. The total teaching experience is 46 years. For a number of years, I was giving lectures, conducting practical and laboratory work on the courses "Fundamentals of mathematics", "History of methods of teaching mathematics in primary school", "Mathematical methods in pedagogy", "Modern pedagogical technologies of primary education", "methods of mathematical processing in pedagogical research", and led the teaching practice of students. I read special courses for undergraduates and direct their educational and research work. Research activities are related to the development of the problem "Professional and pedagogical orientation of mathematical training of students in the specialty pedagogy and methods of primary education in higher education", the results of which are reflected in 100 published works.
Higher education
ACADEMIC DEGREE - the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences
ACADEMIC TITLE-assistant professor
SUBJECTS TAUGHT: (list by level of training) 1. Basics of the initial course of mathematics; 2. Methods of mathematical processing of pedagogical research data
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY-research subject: "Professional and pedagogical orientation of mathematical training of students in the specialty pedagogy and methods of primary education in higher education", number of publications (specify 5 significant): 1. The system of training specialists in pre-school education in a pedagogical University.Tutorial (co-Author) .- Almaty, Abay KazNPU, Ulagat, 2014. -168 s 2. Modern pedagogical technologies of teaching primary education textbook.- Almaty, LEM, 2016. - 3 4 p. 3. Methodological materials for the organization of independent work on the discipline "Fundamentals of mathematics" textbook. .- Almaty, LEM, 2016. -48 s 4. Theoretical foundations of mathematical representations of preschool children.- Almaty, Ulagat, 2014. - 168 p. 5. On the question of mathematical training of future primary school teachers Bulletin of the Shadrinsky pedagogical University. 2019, no. 2(42), pp. 55-62. (Russia)
SCIENTIFIC and METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES-research topic: "Preparing future primary school teachers to work in a multilingual environment in the Republic of Kazakhstan". the number of publications (point 5 of important): 1. Коптiлдiлiк: теория жане практика / Окуадiстемелiк курал.- Алматы: ТОО «Полиграфия - Сервис и Кº, 2018. 2. Model of professional training of a multilingual specialist in primary education// APN Bulletin, 2019, no. 6, p. 17-24 3. Theoretical substantiation of features of training of future primary school teachers in the conditions of multilingualism BASPA Bulletin of the Eurasian humanitarian Institute. - Astana. -2019, - Pp. 211-217. 4. Коптілділікжагдайындабастауышсыныппандерінокытудытеориясыменәдістемесі .Оқу-әдістемелікқұрал. 2019 (авторлыкбірлікте). ТОО «Полиграфия - сервисиК0". 5. Multilingual education as a factor of effective professional training of future primary education teachers. Tammetin kitabi. Iksad p. 949 - 954 - - Ankara, 2018 REWARDS: 1. Breastplate of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "for merits in the development of science of the Republic of Kazakhstan"; 2. Commemorative medal "for contribution to the development of the University" for the 90th anniversary of Abai KazNPU; 3. Breastplate of Abai KazNPU «Айрықша еңбеги үшін», 4. Breastplate of Abai KazNPU «Құрметті қызметкер»
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