Formation of competencies of students «4K» in the study of subjects «Fine Arts», «Labor training», «Graphics and design»
The Center of Teaching Excellence and the Institute of Arts, Culture and Sports of the Abai KazNPU organized from June 13-24, 2022 for teachers of secondary schools «Fine Arts», «Labor training», «Graphics and Design» 80-hour mixed format (online/offline) advanced training course on the topic «Fformation of competencies of students «4K» in the study of subjects «Fine Arts», «Labor training», «Graphics and design»».
Within the framework of the Academic Mobility program, Raimonda Simanaitiene, Doctor, Professor of Art History, Raimonda Simanaite, from the University of Vitavaty the Great, the Republic of Lithuania held lectures and master classes for the audience on the topics: «Transformation of decorative and applied Art», «Modern place of Textile Art», «Development of ceramic art» and «Evolution of glass Art».
In addition, the students got acquainted with scientific and theoretical information in accordance with the school`s updated curriculum of the educational field «Technology and Art», gained experience in performing practical tasks.
At the end of the course, students will defend short-term lesson plans on the updated content of education, as well as exchange experience on topical issues of teaching subjects «Fine Arts», «Labor Training», «Graphics and Design» at a round table.