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Student ethno-festival «Bereke bastauy - birlik»


On May 4, 2022, the ethno festival «Bereke bastauy - birlik», dedicated to the Day of Unity of the People of Kazakhstan, was organized by the department of Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan of our university. Vice-rector for social development Chingiz Nurlanov opened the event with a congratulatory speech. Then the guest of honour - the chairman of Afghan centre «Ariana» Ahmadulla Vastok expressed his warm wishes to all citizens of the country.

Expressing gratitude to the representatives of other nationalities, the students of 2nd year of Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics Aigerim Demisenova, Nuraj Kisa, the 1st year student of «Kazakh language and literature» of Institute of Philology Alisher Maratuly, 2nd year students of the same educational institution Arujan Iosifova, Kalamkas Berikbay, Alisher Jarilkapov and Mahabbat Toktar spoke. Students of Korean, Chinese, Egyptian, Filipino, Turkmen and Arabic nationalities of the Faculty for Foreign Nationals and Pre-University Training performed the song «Kazakhstan Unites Us». The following groups performed on stage: «Akkerbez» with the Kazakh dance «Shattyk», «Vesennyaya Kapel» with the Russian square dance, «Rumi» with the Uzbek dance «Khorezm», «Arzu» with the Uigur «Bahar ussuli», «Sitora» with the Tajik «Bale-bale».

The representatives of the Russian Cultural Center also came with congratulations on one of the main holidays of our country with a Jewish dance «Chiribim», Korean - «Lotus. Flower Rising» (dance group «Flower dance»), the African centre of the House of Friendship - with a number «drums». The ensemble «Bahar» from Azerbaijan Association in Almaty performed folk dances «Nazeleme» and «Lezginka», the ensemble «Sardar» from Musical College named after P.I. Tchaikovsky from Uigur people of Kazakhstan delighted everybody with its creative work, professional singer Kalbinur Arup with a song «Gulbakka» also left nobody indifferent.

In order to discuss the course of the ethno-festival, the APK department staff invited the guests to dastarkhan, which was covered with national dishes of different peoples of our country. The participants and guests expressed their gratitude to the organisers of the event and the university administration.











