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Arynova Gulnar Satybaldievna


Arynova Gulnar Satybaldievna, was born on 29.01.1966 in the city of Taraz.

In 1990, he graduated from the Kazakh pedagogical Institute.Abaya, faculty of physics and mathematics, majoring in mathematics and computer science.

In 1990, he became a math and computer science teacher at Algabas high school. He worked at the school as a subject teacher, Deputy Director for educational work.

Since 1997, he has been working at the Abai KazNPU, at the Institute of mathematics, physics and Informatics, at the Department of mathematics, physics and methods of teaching Informatics, at the Department of Informatics and Informatization of education as a senior teacher. Supervises educational work and practical work of the Department.

2001-2004. in 2002, she graduated from the University`s postgraduate program in the methodology of teaching computer science. And in 2009-2011. in 2008, she completed a master`s degree in 6m011100-computer science and received a master`s degree in education.

Takes an active part in the scientific, educational and social work of the University.

He has authority and respect among the teaching staff of the Institute and the Department.



Educational institution


Expiry date

KazPI named after Abay

Teacher of mathematics and computer science


KazNPU named after Abay

Master of education




Name of the academic degree

Area of science

Date of graduation

Master of education

6М011100- informatics



COURSES TAUGHT (list by level of training)

1. Methods of teaching computer science; (bachelor`s degree)

2. Programming; (bachelor`s degree)

3. Digital technologies in education; (bachelor`s degree)

4. Object-oriented.programming; (bachelor`s degree)


SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research subject, number of publications (specify 5 significant ones)

1.Информатиканың мектеп базалық курсында ақпараттық процестер бөлімін цифрлық технологияның көмегімен оқыту,

ХАБАРШЫ, «Физика-математика ғылымдары» сериясы, №2(62)

2. Algorithmization and Programming Teaching Methodology in the course of Computer Science of Secondary School, Australian Educational Computing, 2019, 34(1).

3. Негізгі орта білім беру деңгейінде информатика пәнінде «модельдеу»   бөлімін оқытудың ерекшеліктері,

Т. Рысқұловтың 125 жылдығына арналған  "ПЕДАГОГИКАЛЫҚ БІЛІМ БЕРУДІҢ ЗАМАНАУИ ТРЕНДТЕРІ"  атты Халықаралық ғылыми-практикалық  конференциясы, Тараз, 2019 жыл, 26 желтоқсан.

4. Numerical solution of difference eguations for elliptic differential eguation in MS EXCEL, Сборник тезисов VIконгресса математического общества тюркоязычных стран, Астана, стр.345, октябрь, 2017 ж.

2-5 октября, 2017

5. Болашақ мұғалімдерді жаңа бағытта даярлау, Қазақстан республикасы педагог қызметкерлерінің біліктілігін арттыру деңгейлі бағдарламаларының негізінде әзірленген педагог кадрларды даярлайтын жоғары оқу орындарының бітіруші курс студенттеріне қосымша білім беру бағдарламасы бойынша тренерлерді оқыту курс тыңдаушыларының эссе жинағы. 22.01.2018 ж.-02.03.2018 ж. Астана.



I was awarded several letters of thanks from the University, a commemorative medal in connection with the 90th anniversary. For advanced training courses, including a 72-hour internship in Paris in 2014, and a 268-hour course at the Nazarbayev Intellectual school in Astana in 2018.


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