05.04.2022 Trip to the native land of the Saks - the Issyk fortress
Within the framework of the «Decade of Science - 2022» of the Institute of History and Law, senior lecturer of the Department of World History, Taspulatova Kaldygul, together with 1st-year students studying in the specialty «History-Geography,» made an excursion to the monuments and museums of the history and culture of the sak era in the city of Issyk of Almaty region.
The vision, knowledge, and recognition of the spiritual heritage of world significance not only expanded the learning of students, but also contributed to patriotism, respect for the country, and adoration of historical monuments and wonderful sacred places of the native land. The great roots of Kazakhstan go back to the era of the saks, which originates from the period of the huns. During the excursion, Taspulatova K. T. told the students about the Sak-Uysun culture, the history of the Golden Man`s discovery, and the Saks` worldview. The journey was very informative and achieved its goal. The task was accomplished.