14.03.2022 STEM-festival for primary school pupils
On March 11, 2022, the STEM-festival, organized by students of Abai KazNPU for primary schools pupils, was held at the school-lyceum No. 28 named after M. Mametova.
This year the festival was held within the framework of industrial practice. The organizers were internship students K. Shalapanova (3rd year) and A. Manakhova (4th year), associate professors Akpaeva A.B. and Lebedeva L.A. and moderators were 10th grade students of Lyceum № 28.
The aim of the event was to increase the interest of pupils and students in STEM education, support and develop their curiosity and demonstrate the links between science, technology, engineering, mathematics and everyday life. The festival programme included an exciting journey of children through STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) stations led by high school students. With their help, primary school pupils solved logical problems, performed scientific experiments and tricks, and constructed.
At the end of the STEM-festival each pupil received a participant`s diploma, pupils of the 10th form received a moderator`s diploma, their teacher and parents received thanks for their help in the organisation. The festival turned out to be a rich and colourful event for the young pupils.
The vocational training department of the EP «Primary Education» of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology of Abai KazNPU is grateful to the Lyceum Principal Aisulu Medetbekova, teachers, students and trainees who participated in the festival.