Біз туралы | ![]() Sultanova Farida Mazhitovna
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY Sultanova Farida Mazhitovna was born on 11.02.1959 in the village of Lepsinsk, Andreyevsky district, Taldy-Kurgan region. 1966-1976. She graduated from high school in the village of Lepsinsk. In 1980, after graduating with honors from the school, in 1989 she graduated from the historical faculty of the Abai Kazakh pedagogical Institute. Since 1983, she worked at the Department of world history, then from 2014 to the present, she works as an associate Professor at the Department of political Science and socio-philosophical disciplines of KazNPU Abai`s. Candidate of historical Sciences (2005), associate Professor (2010). Topic of the candidate`s dissertation: "History of formation and development of entrepreneurship in the Semirechensk region (1867-1914)". Research area: history of entrepreneurship and foreign companies, History of Russia, History of world religions, religious Studies. Author of more than 60 articles and textbooks.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT Bachelor`s Courses: Religion of ancient civilizations, History of artistic culture, Cultural Studies (socio-political knowledge module), History of world religions, etc. Master`s Courses: Ecology of culture, Social protection and social work, etc.
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY 1. Participation of entrepreneurs and merchants of Semirechye in the social and cultural life of the XIXth and early XXth centuries. Materials of the international scientific and practical conference "Kasymbaev readings "Methodological and concrete historical problems of studying national history". Almaty, 2005, р. 44-46 2.Socio-political processes in Russia in the 20-30s of the ХХ th century.Textbook for universities. - Almaty: KAZ NPU named after him. Abai`s,2008. - 72s. 3."Evolution of Trading Business in Semirechensk Area of Kazakhstan at the end of XIX - the beginning of the XX century». Yaroslavl Pedagogical Bulletin Volume I (Humanities) 2012-no. 2, p. 65-70. 4.«The role of social and humanitarian disciplines in the formation and development of social and personal competencies of students».KazNPU named after Abay. Materials of the Republican scientific and practical conference "Kazakh philosophy and innovative aspects of teaching social and humanitarian Sciences".may 16-17, 2014, Almaty 2014, р. 213-216. 5.«Religious tolerance in modern society».Bulletin.Sociology and Political science series. - Almaty: KazNPU named after Abay, 2019 - №2(66) - P. 33-37.
REWARDS 1.In 2013Awarded the badge "UZDIK USTAZ" for conscientious work and active participation in the public life of the University. 2.In 2018Awarded the jubilee medal "Abai atyndagy KazNPU-ne 90 zhyl" for her contribution to the development of the University. 3.In 2019Awarded the badge "I. Altynsarin" for significant achievements in the training and education of the younger generation.
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