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Tamayev Alpysbay Tamayevich
Tamayev Alpysbay Tamayevich
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY He was born in the Shalkar district of Aktobe region. He graduated from the school №1 in Shalkar.Graduated from the faculty of Philology of the Abai Kazakh pedagogical Institute. Worked in a rural school as a teacher, and later as a research assistant at the Research Institute of Pedagogical Sciences named after Altynsarin.Graduated from the postgraduate course of Kazakh pedagogical Institute named after Abay. Since 1994 he has been working at the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay.Works at the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature named after Kirabaev.In 1995 he defended his candidate thesis on the topic "Formation of the reader`s interest in high school students in literature lessons".Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Published 68 scientific and theoretical and methodological articles, 16 popular scientific articles. Combines scientific and teaching activities.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (levels of preparation according to the list) Bachelor`s degree: "Oral Literature", "Introduction to Literary Studies", "Theory of Literature", "History of Literary Criticism"; Master`s degree:"Psychologism in fiction", "Theory of folklore", "Theory of literary criticism"; Doctorate:"Theory of folklore and literary tradition", "Modernism and postmodernism in Kazakh literature".
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