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Aidarbayeva Doktorkhan Kaisarbekovna


First name, surname

Aidarbayeva Doktorkhan Kaisarbekovna

Date of birth

6 November 1955


1972-1977 - Abai KazPI (former Abai KazNPU) natural-geographical faculty, specialty "Geography and biology", qualification "teacher of geography and biology"

Academic degree and title

1. 2010 - Doctor of Biological Sciences, specialty 03.00.05 - botany, (from June 16, 2011, Protocol No. 4);

2. Associated professor Abai KazNPU, (from November 16, 2013, Protocol No. 4);

3. 2014 - Corresponding member of the International Academy of Children and Youth Tourism and Local History of AA. Ostap-Sveshnikov" of the Russian Federation. Moscow. (from April 7, 2014, Protocol No. 22);

4. 2016 - Academician of the International Academy of Children`s and Youth Tourism and Local History of AA. Ostap-Sveshnikov" of the Russian Federation. Moscow. (from February 29, 2016, Protocol No. 13).

Place of work and position after graduation

1977 - 1979 - Roslavl school, teacher of geography and biology, deputy director of educational work.

1979 - 2011 - Institute of Botany of the Academy of Sciences of the Kazakh SSR (now the RSE "Institute of Botany and Phyto-Intrusion" of the KN MES RK), all stages of scientific growth from the laboratory assistant to the head of the laboratory were held here.

2006-2011 - RSE "Institute of Botany and Phyto-Intrusion" KN MES RK, Head of the Laboratory of Plant Resources.

From 11. 11. 2011 - up to the present, associate professor of the Department of Botany and General Biology of the Institute of Natural Science and Geography of Abai KazNPU.

Scientific interest

 Resource studies, geobotany, ethnobotany. Evaluation of the current state and resources of medicinal, food, essential oil, alkaloid and other useful plants of the flora of Kazakhstan.


1. Introduction to Biology: Textbook. Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, Republican scientific and practical center "Textbook". Association of higher educational institutions of Kazakhstan. - Almaty: 2016.316 р.

2. Genetics: Textbook. Approved by the Ministry of Education and Science, Republican scientific and practical center "Textbook". - Almaty: 2016. - 244 р.

3. Plant resources of Kazakhstan. Textbook. Almaty, 2013. - 144 р.

4. Useful plants of Kazakhstan. Monography. Karaganda, 2014. -  298 р.

5. Plant resources of Kazakhstan and their rational use. Textbook. - Karaganda,2014. - 194 р.

6. Plant resources of Kazakhstan and their development.

Textbook. - Almaty, 2016. - 216 р.

7. Basics of genetics and breeding. Textbook. - Almaty, 2017. - 172 р.

 8. Қазақстанның халық медицинасында пайдалынатын дәрілік өсімдіктері// Іле педагогикалық университетінің ғылыми журналы, № 6, Құлжа қ. (ҚХР), 2013 (қытай тілінде). 93-98 б.

9. Stocks of raw materials, some tanning plants in the southern Altai ranges // Azerbaijan National Academy of sciences institute of Botany Transactions of international conference Dedicated to «Actual problems of the use of useful plants». - Baku, 2012. - P.128-131

10. Жетісу Алатауының дәрілік өсімдіктерінің қорлары // КазҰУ Хабаршысы. Экология сериясы, № 1(37), Almaty,2013. - 16-22 б.

11. Resource Potential of the Narym Ridge // Biodiversity, Conservation and Rational Use of the Gene Pool of Plants and Animals. - Tashkent, 2014. - P. 172-174.

12. Analytical evaluation of useful plants in the South Altai // Fundamental research. № 11. - Moscow, 2013. 

13. Жетісу Алатауының пайдалы өсімдіктер қорларының қазіргі жағдайы // Региональный Вестник Востока. №2 (54). 2012. С.12-21.

14. Analysis of the resource characteristics of some medicinal plants sem. Asteraceae Dumort // «Cutting-edge science», - April 30 - May 7, 2015. Volume 24. Biological sciences. Chemistry and chemical technology. Sheffield. Yorkshire, England. PP.21-15.

15. Ethnobotanical study of wild plants. Globus, ISSN: 2218-2268. Sankt-Peterburg, 2015.6-9 р.

16. Medicinal plants of folk medicine // Biological and ecological education in school and university: theory, methodology, practice RSPU them. Herzen. St. Petersburg, 2017. S. 39-43.

17. Regional characteristics of the prevalence of iodine deficiency."The Eighth International Conference on Eurasian scientific development". Proceedings of the Conference (March 03, 2016). "East West" Association for Advanced Studies and Higher Education GmbH. Vienna. 2016. 272 P.

18. Resources of food and medicinal plants of the ridge Altai Tarbagatay // Bulletin of Abai KazNPU, series "Natural-geographical sciences", №1 (47), 2016. P.64-68.

19. Оқушылардың «Useful plants» үйірмесінің бағдарламасы. - Алматы: «LEM» баспасы, 2018. - 16 б.

20. Resources of food and medicinal plants ridge Altai Tarbogatai//Ecological education and ecological culture of the population: materials of the VI international scientific conference on February 25-26, 2018 - Prague, 2018. - Р.  34-39.  ISBN 978-80-7526-275-2

In total, more than 150 scientific works (articles, monographs, textbooks, etc.) have been published.

Participation in research projects

Fundamental scientific projects in the framework of state programs: "The current state of plant resources of the Dzungar Alatau and the Alakol Depression, their rational use and protection" (2000-2002); "Current state of plant resources of the Western Tarbagatai, Saur and Manrak ridges and their rational use" (2003-2005); "Scientific foundations of balanced use of vegetation cover and plant resources of the Southern Altai" (2006-2008); "Resource potential and scientific foundations of the balanced use of raw plants of the Southern Altai (Altai Tarbagatai, Sarymsakty, Narymsky Ridges)" (2009-2011), as well as economic contracts: "Development and introduction of phytopreparations into the industrial production for provision of domestic medicines by medical institutions and the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan ", etc. (1997-2010)" Research of medicinal plants in the South-East of Kazakhstan "(2015-2018).

Since when do you work at the Department

Since 2011, the Associated Professor of the Department of Botany and General Biology of the Institute of Natural Science and Geography of Abai KazNPU.

Рublic work

2004-2006 - Academic Secretary of the dissertation council for the defense of the thesis for awarding the doctor`s degree and candidate of biological sciences in specialty 03.00.05 - botany (at the RSE "Institute of Botany and Phyto-Intrusion" of the KN MES RK).

2014 - Member of the Academic Council of the Institute of Natural Science and Geography Abai KazNPU.

2014 - Member of the Commission Against Corruption of Abai KazNPU.

2014 - Member of the International Academy of Children and Youth Tourism and Local History of AA. Ostap-Sveshnikov "of the Russian Federation. Moscow.

2015 - Member of the Dissertation Council of KazNU. al-Farabi for the defense of the thesis for awarding the PhD degree in biology: "6D070100 - Biotechnology", "6D060700 - Biology", "6D061300 - Geobotany."

2018 - Member of the Commission of the UMO RUMS KazNU. al-Farabi specialty: "5M060700 - Biology", "6D060700-Biology", "6D061300-Geobotany".

Сontact details

8 707 184 41 12,



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