«The Great Way of the Teacher of the Whole Nation» competition
December 3, 2021 at the Department of Kazakh language and literature named after Academician S. Kirabayev Institute of Philology and multilingual education within the 30th anniversary of independence of Kazakhstan an intellectual competition «The great way of the teacher of the whole nation», organized by clubs «Erudite» and «Soztanym» among students 2-3 courses of the Institute was held. The event was dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Akhmet Baitursynov, the founder of national education and science, famous public figure of Kazakhstan.
Director of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education, Tanzharykova Alua, wishing the students good luck in the competition, especially noted how important the personal appearance of A. Baitursynov is for the Kazakh people. In turn, the head of the Department of Kazakh Language and Literature named after Academician S. Kirabaev, Ilyasova Nagima noted that the study of the life and work of A. Baitursynova, who became a teacher of the nation, is the task of the younger generation, and also acquainted with the goals and objectives of the intellectual competition.
The jury chaired by Professor Ilyasova Nagima, members of which were Deputy Director of the Institute for Scientific Work, senior lecturer Naimanbayev Almas, Associate Professor Moldasanov Ersain, Associate Professor Satemirova Dariga and Associate Professor Raeva Gulzat managed to objectively evaluate the competition, which lasted an hour and a half. According to the results of the competition, the Grand Prix was won by 3rd-year students of the specialty «Philology» Nursapa Ayim, Kumarbekova Gulaykhan, Maksat Talshyn, 302 groups-the group «Masa», the first place was taken by 3rd-year students of the specialty «Kazakh language and literature» Okasova Marzhan, Ginayatova Gulzhan, Kosymbayeva Akerke, 304 groups-the Group «Assyl Tas», the second place was taken by 2nd-year students of the specialty «Philology» Berikbay Kalamkas, Berdaly Yerkebulan, Mazhit Nurtugan, Shamshyrak group, consisting of 202 group students, the 3rd place was taken by 2nd year students of the specialty «Philology» Ergesh Symbat, Oralkhanova Janel, Dosmurzayeva Akerke, the group «In the footsteps of Akhmet».
At the end of the competition in honor of the organization of such a scientific, cognitive, intellectual event for students, the head of the Department of Kazakh language and Literature named after academician S. Kirabayev, the head of the club «Erudite» N.A.Ilyasova, members of the council of the club «Erudite», senior teachers of the department S. K. Syzdykov, A. N.Yusup, Sh. D. Kuttybayev, Zh. S. Ashirov, D. G. Orynbayeva, the head of the club «Soztanym» senior lecturer R. K. Bakbergenova, members of the club «Erudite», 2nd year students A. Kadyr, J. Namaz, K.Esenova, S.Shamshetov, A. Adilbekov was awarded letters of thanks from the rector of the university.