Final online conference of pedagogical practice of students of
the Institute of Natural Science and Geography
On May 12-13, 2021, a final online conference of the pedagogical practice of 3rd and 4th year students of the specialties 5В011200-Chemistry, 5В011300-Biology, 5В011600-Geography was held. The online conference was attended by 3rd and 4th year students, methodologists-leaders of pedagogical practice, employees of the career development department of the institute. The event was held under the Zoom program.
The director of the institute - chairman of the HCMS, Kulyash Kaimuldinova made a welcoming speech and presented the active students with the diploma «Best trainee». Also at the conference were the staff of the Mansap center Akerke Asankhan, deputy director for educational work Nurlan Manapov, methodologists Talgat Ualiev, Gaukhar Abdikarimova, Andrey Abulgaziev, Nazym Bekenova, Aliya Kalybaeva, Saule Jamilova, Gulzhanat Kamieva. Speakers in their speech noted the introduction of the educational program «The Effectiveness of the Dual Learning System» in the educational process of the university, as well as the passing of pedagogical practice by students during the academic year, which is included in the work experience for graduates and, most importantly, provides optimal conditions for employment.
During the online conference, students presented their reports on teaching practice, which took place from September 21 to April 30, 2021. They talked about their achievements and problems, about their impressions of being in teaching. During pedagogical practice, aimed at the implementation of theoretical knowledge in practical activities, students studied the intricacies of their profession, gained experience, skills and professional competencies.
In general, this online conference was held at a high level: student reports were heard, a discussion about practice was held, opinions of practice leaders were expressed and the results were summed up, directions for improving pedagogical practice in general were developed.