Continuity between school and university
On May 12, 2021, the director of Philology and Multilingual Education Institute Alua Tanzharikova and the head of Oriental Philology and Translation Chair Gulsim Abdrakhmanova, the teachers of the department Ruslan Arziev, Halminyam Masimova and Aigerim Nurzhanova, met with Shavket Umarov the headmasters of the grammar school 153 named after A. Rozybakiev in Almaty, Khurshidam Niyazova the headmaster of grammar school 101, and Mukhidin Imashev the acting director of the secondary school No. 150 named after M. Khamraev.
During the event, the headmaster of the school Sh. Umarov introduced the university`s teaching staff to the history, the museum of the grammar school 153, the library equipped with modern digital technology, and the classrooms.
The meeting continued in the conference hall, where detailed information was given about the place of Abai University in the ranking of foreign universities, about the achievements achieved to date, as well as about the specialties of the institute and the department. It was noted that the Abai KazNPU is the only educational institution in the republic that trains teachers in the specialty Uyghur language and literature. It was also mentioned that in the last 2 years, our university has been developing programs for the preparation of two specialties on the basis of the specialties Uyghur language and literature, Kazakh language, Russian language, English, history, pedagogy and methods of primary education, geography. University teachers held a conversation with school teachers about the specialty of Uyghur language and literature, and signed a bilateral agreement. The purpose of the agreement is to establish scientific, methodological and practical relations between the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation and specialists of the Uyghur language and literature of Gymnasium No. 153, to support bilateral or multilateral professional and cultural events, and to develop cooperation in the field of education. The initiatives put forward were continued at the Gymnasium School No. 101 and Secondary School No. 150 in Almaty, which once again proved the importance of developing business, practical and specialized ties with such educational institutions. The event held within the framework of the meeting showed that bilateral and multilateral agreements at the department level are systematically implemented at a high level of quality and professionalism.