University-wide virtual quiz «Oz elim menin - Ozegim menin»
The first virtual university quiz «Oz elim menin - Ozegim menin» dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan was held on April 30, 2021. The event was held online.
The main purpose of the quiz is to form national consciousness and national values among students.
During the solemn part of the event welcoming speeches were made by the Chairman of the Committee on Youth Affairs Didarbek Dildabek, head of the University Disciplines of the Pedagogical Cycle, Professor Korlan Zhampeisova, head of the Science, Monitoring and International Cooperation of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology Bagdat Mazhinov, head of the creative laboratory for future teachers «VirtualLab», Professor Aiman Berikhanova, Associate Professor Zhanar Ibraimova. Then the event continued with a concert programme with the participation of creative young people.
About 120 students applied for the intellectual contest, and more than 80 of them participated. They were asked 45 questions on history, geography, literature and political science. The winners of the contest were determined by the Kahoot programme.
The 1st place winner, Beknazar Nurzhan, a student of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics was awarded a cash certificate worth 35,000 tenge. Aizhan Buranova, a student of the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, who took 2nd place, was awarded with a money certificate for 30 000 tenge. Nazerka Kogambayeva, the third place winner, a student of the Institute of History and Law was awarded with a 25 000 tenge cash certificate. All winners were also awarded by diplomas of Rector of the University.
The winners of incentive prizes Bauyrzhan Tileuzhan, a student of the Institute of Natural Sciences and Geography, and Syzden Aisulu, a student of the Institute of Philology and multilingual Education, received monetary certificates for 20,000 tenge. All quiz participants received letters of appreciation.