02.04.2021 Results of the international webinar «Features of the Professional Training of Future Teachers»
On April 2, 2021, within the framework of the Science Month and the current International Project «Evidence-based educator preparation and organizational culture «with the participation of California State University Sacramento (USA), was held an International Online Webinar «Features of the professional training of future teachers». The project is funded by the Government of America, the U.S.- Kazakhstan university partnerships grants program with the support of the American Council for International Education.
The webinar was opened by the Vice-Rector for Research and Digitalization of the University - Sayabek Sakhiev. The moderator of the webinar was Bayan Sapargaliyeva - postdoctoral resaercher, project coordinator from Abai KazNPU. The main speaker of the event was Alexander Sidorkin, project coordinator, professor, dean of the Education College, California State University Sacramento (USA), the second speaker was the professor of the Department of Pedagogical Cycle Disciplines at Abai KazNPU - Ayman Berikkhanova.
Bayan Sapargaliyeva, moderator, project coordinator from Abai KazNPU, shared information on the implementation of the project.
Ayman Berikkhanova shared information about the relevance of the quality of professional training of future teachers in the context of globalization, digitalization, and a pandemic. She spoke about the strategic directions of the university for the modernization of pedagogical education, about additional forms of professional training of students as scientific, educational and methodological complexes in schools, the Academy of Pedagogical Skills, the creative laboratory of the future teacher, etc.
Alexander Sidorkin shared information about the specifics of the professional training of future teachers in the United States. The speaker presented information about the «7 WHALES» of teacher training as deep knowledge of the subject, preparation for student diversity, external assessment of achievements, support system for novice teachers, specialized accreditation of programs, three types of practice, integrated practice model. He made the main emphasis on the importance of forming an organizational culture as one of the effective mechanisms for improving the professional training of future teachers.
The online webinar had about 100 participants, representatives of universities in Europe, Russia, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan, including: Representation of the German Accreditation Agency ASIIN in Central Asia, St. KlimentOhridsky Sofia University, Orenburg State University, Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Bukhara State University, Osh State University, M.M. Adyshev Osh Technological University, M.M. Kozybayev North Kazakhstan University, E.A. Buketov Karaganda University, Karaganda Technical University, Kazakh State Law University, Kazakh National Women`s Pedagogical University, Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University,Taraz State University named after M.Kh. Dulati, Kyzylorda University named after Korkyt Ata, M. AuezovSouth Kazakhstan State University, K. SatpayevKazakh National Research Technical University, University of International Business, Central Asian University, Lyceum School # 59 inNur-Sultan city and AbaiKazNPU.
Summing up the results of the online event at the international level, it can be noted that the degree of involvement of teachers and students has a huge role in education, this assesses the quality of education in general.
The webinar was held in a warm and friendly atmosphere, the participants expressed their gratitude to the speakers and organizers for an interesting and kind online meeting.
Please follow the links on Abai KazNPU website in the announcements. The series of International Online Webinars continues on April 5, 7, 9, 2021.