22.01.2021 Training courses for methodologists were held
From 18 to 22 January 2021, the Professional Development and Distance Education Center of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University conducted training courses in Kazakh and Russian languages on «The role of regional methodic cabinets in providing quality of school education» for heads and specialists of regional (city, district) methodic cabinets. Among participants were 180 heads and specialists of methodical cabinets from Almaty, Atyrau, Akmola, Pavlodar regions and Shymkent.
The teachers of the Centre A. Orakova, T. Kornilova, M. Beldenbayeva informed the course participants of the peculiarities and effective ways of methodical support to teachers to provide quality education in the conditions of modern education. They discussed advantages and ways of introduction of coaching and mentoring practices, provision of methodological support to teachers in the organization of Lesson study process and use of «cloud services» for high-quality communication and record keeping in distant education environment.
At the end of the course, at a round table with the Director of the Centre, A.A. Semchenko, the trainees shared their experience on current issues of organising methodological support in connection with changes in regulatory documents, discussed ways of implementing them and learned about the plans for upcoming courses. The participants noted the effectiveness of the training and the relevance and content of the topics.