18.11.2020 City online aitys of students «Akynmyn sozy zheter san gasyrga...»
On November 16, 2020, the city online aitys of students «Akynmyn sozy zheter san gasyrga...» was held. In the event devoted to the 175th anniversary of Great Abai and 45th anniversary of Orazaly Dosbosynov, 10 akyns-students of higher educational institutions of Almaty took part. Opening the event, Rector of the University Takir Balykbayev noted that he supports the promotion of folk art and, in particular, the work of O. Dosbosynov. The Head of the University said that next year the University plans to hold the Republican Aytys «Menin Pirim - Suinbay», dedicated to the 175th anniversary of Zhambyl Zhabayev, at the international level. Honored Worker of the Republic of Kazakhstan, akin Zhursin Erman thanked the rector and the staff of the university for the popularization of such a kind of national art, as aitys, and support of young talents.
At the beginning of the online presentation of the collection of poems by young people of the University «Koktem gumir» was held.
The first pair of akyns - a student of the Kainar Academy, Rasuyl Sauytbek, and, a 1st year student of the Abai KazNPU Altynay Kanapia - drank offline, which beautifully showed the example of aitys of a girl and a boy. The other four couples competed online.
The creativity of young Aytyskers was evaluated by Honoured Worker of the RK, Chairman of the Board of the International Union of Aytys and Zhyrshy Termeshi Poets, poet Zhursin Erman, editor-in-chief of the newspaper «Ana Tili», poet Zhanarbek Ashimzhan, editor-in-chief of «Baldyrgan» magazine Duisen Musraly, cultural worker of RK, winner of international and republican aitys, poet Serik Kaliev, professor of Abai KazNPU Temirkhan Tebegenov.
As a result of the competition Grand Prix (100 000 KZT) was awarded to Nurbol Zhauynbayev, a student of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. First place was taken by a student of Abai KazNPU Altynay Kanapiya (80 000 KZT), second - by a student of the Academy «Kainar» Rasuyl Sauytbek (60 000 KZT). The third place was taken by Zhanarys Tleubek, a student of the Kazakh National Academy of Arts named after T.Zhurgenov, and Daniyar Nysangaliev, a student of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University.
A special prize was also awarded to the talented akyn Bekzhan Bazarbek, a student of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. All participants of the aytys were awarded with a letter of thanks from the rector and monetary reward. The organisers of the city aytys are the Department for Educational Work and the O. Dosbosynov Centre for Young Akyns.
The Organizing Committee would like to thank Bakhyt Zhagiparov, head of the Almaty studio of «Kazak Radiolari» LLP, and Zhanarbek Ashimzhan, editor-in-chief of the newspaper «Ana tili», for the information support of Aitys.
Department for Educational, Social Work and Youth Policy