Find your place in life... (Sen de bir kirpish duniegue...)
As informed, on January 9, 2020 the article of the Head of State Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev "Abai and Kazakhstan in the XXI century" was published, and this year is declared the "Year of Abai". The Department of Oriental Philology and Translation of the Institute of Philology and multilingual Education also contributes to events of various forms and content held at the national level. Thus, on 30 October 2020, an educational event was held, organized by Satpay Gulnaz, a senior teacher of Turkish language, on the occasion of the 175th anniversary of Abai Kunanbayev, entitled "Find your place in life...". ("Sen de bir kirpish duniegue...").
The educational hour was attended by teachers of the department, Deputy Director for Educational Work of the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education Kasenov E.S., students studying in Turkish as well as foreign guests. The first speaker at the videoconference was the Head of the Department of Modern Turkic Languages and Literature, Dr. Ekrem Ayan (Koçman Muğla Sytki University, Turkey) with a report on "Abay`s Philosophy against Dogmatic Thoughts and Judgments in a Social Environment". Scientific employee of Azerbaijan State University Mehtizade Gulchen continued the topic with report "Educational ideas in the works of Abai Kunanbayev". Meyrkulova Aida, doctoral student of Gazi University, senior lecturer of L.N.Gumilev Eurasian National University, read the report "Analysis of Abai Qunanbayuly`s admonitions in the context of education" during the international videoconference.
Along with the teachers, their students also spoke at the educational event. Thus, a 3rd year student of two foreign languages Abdusattarova Uglay read the first word of Abai`s edification in Turkish. And Usurova Almajay perfectly performed the song "Kozimnin carasi" in Turkish. The international video conference "Sen de bir kirpish duniegue...", organised by senior lecturer Satpay Gulnaz, was held at a high level. The conference was concluded by the Head of the Department of Oriental Philology and Translation, Professor Kulsun Abdrakhmanova of the University. She noted the importance and necessity of such educational activities and thanked all participants and speakers.

Department of Oriental Philology and Translation