II webinar «Identity and visual poetics of historical memory»
On May 29, 2020 the II webinar «Identity and visual poetics of historical memory» was held as part of the implementation of the intrauniversity research project aimed at the integration of science and education «Identity and poetics of historical memory in the modern historiographic discourse of Kazakh society» (supervisor - Professor Abylkhozhin Zh.B.).
The event is devoted to the analysis and applicability of visual sources in historical and anthropological studies of identity and historical memory. Well-known scientist, anthropologist, doctor of historical sciences, professor of EUSP S.N. Abashin took part in the webinar as an expert.
Reports were made:
«Keepers of historical memory: the eternity of archetype» - Igor Krupko, doctoral student of Abai KazNPU. (Pragmatism of the video about the veteran of the Great Patriotic War, recruiting and reproduction of the archetype «veteran» as the keeper of historical memory and agent of legitimacy. The conclusions are compared to the model of information organization in traditional societies);
«Character of social changes in the Kazakh society of the XIX century on the materials of personal and official seals» - associate professor of the Kazakh history department named after T.Sadykov of the Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU Tenlik Dalaeva (Prospects of using visual sources in the study of bureaucratic technologies of acquisition of subjectivity and interaction of identities in the Kazakh society of the XIX century);
«Freeing the Sacred: apology of the rite «Tuye-sheshu» - 3rd year student of the Institute of History and Law of Abai KazNPU Umirnis Karimbayeva (Analysis of the discourse around the relict rite «Tuye-sheshu», which regularly stirs up heated discussions and outbreaks of symbolic violence (uyat) in the Kazakh media field).

Institute of History and Law