Spiritual modernization - a bright direction for the future of the nation
On May 15, 2020, the Department of World History of the Institute of History and Law, organized a Republican scientific-practical conference «Spiritual modernization - a bright direction for the future of the nation».
The goal is the promotion of national interests and values for the implementation of the program «Course towards the future: modernization of Kazakhstan`s identity» voiced in the Message of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev, as well as an exchange of views on current activities.
Leading Researcher of the Center for Continuing Education of Y. Altynsarin National Academy of Education, associate professor Shuinshina Sholpan, who participated in the conference, spoke about the implementation of the program «Spiritual modernization» in the school curriculum.
Beisenbekova Nursakhan, Director of the «Tulgatanu» Research Center of Karaganda State University named after Academician E.A. Buketova noted that «Spiritual Modernization» contributes to the development of local history. Everyone has the opportunity to explore their homeland, get acquainted with its history and get a lot of information. She emphasized that this will help increase love for the motherland.
An active participation in the scientific and practical conference was attended by Associate Professor of Central Asian University Khamitova Marvan, teacher of the Zharkent Higher Humanitarian and Technical College Mikheva Kulchariya, teacher of history and law of the gymnasium of Almaty school No.148 Dzhumataeva Zhazira. They emphasized the role of spiritual modernization in education and training, emphasizing the significant work that is being done in this direction.

Chair of World History