International webinar
«Development of reading skills in primary school students»
On April 30, 2020, as part of an international scientific project, a webinar was held with the participation of scientists from the Higher School of Economics (Moscow). The vice-rector for scientific work and international cooperation of Abaı KazNPU professor Aktolkyn Kulsarieva, Kazakhstani project manager Professor Saule Abisheva, as well as project participants - teachers of the Russian language and literature of the institute of philology and multilingual education, Almaty city teachers and parents of first-graders who participated in the project study. In total - about 50 listeners who actively entered into the discussion of the problems raised at the webinar.
Yelena Kardanova, director of the Center for Psychometrics and Measurements in Education at the Higher School of Economics, made an introductory speech about the results of the first stage of the scientific project and its prospects at the second stage.
«The results of the project for assessing reading skills of first-graders in Almaty: what the data are talking about», was the title of the report by Inna Antipkina, a researcher at the Center for Psychometrics and Measurements in Education at the Higher School of Economics. The results of the research data on testing of more than 1000 first-graders were presented in a visual form and aroused special interest of the audience.
For teachers and parents, a report on modern approaches to teaching children to read in primary school, which was made at a webinar by Marina Kuznetsova, a leading researcher at the Institute for Educational Development of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow), was very useful.
The report of Marina Asylbekova, the editor-in-chief of the Almatykitap Baspasy publishing house, on the education of the reader in the school was based on her many years of experience as a literature teacher.
Madina Abayeva, associate professor of the Department of Russian Language and Literature at the Institute of Philology and Multilingual Education presented in her report approaches to reading as a psycholinguistic process.
The webinar participants noted that the scientific cooperation of the Higher School of Economics and Abaı KazNPU have productive results and broad prospects.

Chair of russian language and literature