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News of the Department of Physics

April 30-May 1, 2020, Online Olympiad «Young physicist» among students of the Institute of mathematics, physics and computer science was held. 24 students participated in the Olympiad. Olympiad moderator - acting ass. Professor Rystygulov V. B.

On the opening day of the Olympiad, its participants were greeted by the director of the institute, M. Bekpatshaev, and V. N. Kosov, head of the Department of Physics, as well as members of the commission, acting ass. professors Rystygulov V. B., senior lecturers Tezekeev S. M. and Bitibaeva Zh.M. After checking the completed assignments, the appeal commission worked on the errors and discussed the results of solving the problems together with the students in the online mode. On the second day, the closing of the Olympiad and awarding of the winners took place. Diplomas were awarded to the following students:

The diploma of the first degree

Dariya Кhayretdinova-student of the MFC-192 group
Diploma of the Second degree
Kazhymov Zhandos-student of FEC-181 group
Salamatov Temirlan - student of FOK-192 group
Diploma of the III degree
Nurhan Asel-student of the FEC-171 group
Ybrahim Darkhan - student of the FOK-192 group
Yerzhan Аbdusaliev-student of the MFC-191 group




Chair of physics