21.01.2020 International seminar in Moscow:digital technologies in teacher education
On January 17, 2020, Moscow City Pedagogical University hosted the regular III International Russian-Kazakh scientific seminar «Digital University: the international globalization of teacher education».
Co-organizers: International scientific laboratory of informatization of education problems and educational technologies of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after V.P. Astafyev.
The seminar has been dedicated to discussing the creation and integrated use of digital technologies for the development of all types of activities of a modern pedagogical university.
The seminar has started with welcome speeches of the President of MCU Viktor Ryabov, the Rector of KazNPU Takir Balykbayev, the Rector of KSPU Valery Kovalevski, and an academician-secretary of the department of philosophy of education and theoretical pedagogy of RAE Mikhail Levitskiy.
More than 100 scientists and educators of Russia, Kazakhstan, and Belarus have attended the event. The seminar participants spoke about the scientific aspects of the development and use of digital technologies during training of students in pedagogical universities.
The Rector Takir Balykbayev has told about the digitalization of our university in detail.
Another representatives of our university: Head of Informatics and Informatization of education Department Yessen Bidaybekov, Pedagogical STEM-park director Bektas Bostanov, and employee of the International scientific laboratory of informatization of education problems and educational technologies Zhamilya Akkassynova also have presented their speeches about the international laboratory`s activity and an experience of using digital technologies during the educational process.
The seminar has been very successful, interesting, and useful. In this regard, it was decided to continue this tradition and hold the next joint seminar in Almaty on the basis of Abai KazNPU.
Reports: 3. STEM education in a digital University