Dear Colleagues!
that will take place on 15-17 November 2017.
Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University is planning organization of the International scientific-practical conference "Modern achievements of natural sciences, actual problems of education: position, new technologies, prospects", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, professor Shokybayev Zh.A, PhD in Chemistry, professor Seitzhanov A.Ph and the 70th anniversary of Doctor of Engineering Sciences, docent Turgumbayeva R.Kh.
In order to generalize your knowledge, we suggest the publishing articles and scientific research in the following areas:
Studies of young scientists, doctoral candidates, master candidates and students are considered.
Applications and articles for the publication must be received by the organizing committee until 31.10.2017
Information for participants: 1. The application is issued according to the sample below. 2. The article should be in volume no more than 7 pages in electronic form. 3. Publication of the article (not including the cost of collection): with 1 copy of Collection of works-3500 kzt.
RSE REU Abai KazNPU BeC 16 TIN 600900529562 IIK KZ178560000000086696 BENEFICARY BANK JSC «Bank CenterCredit» Almaty BIC KCJBKZKX BIN 031240004969
Organizers: Abai KazNPU, Department of Chemistry Address of organize committee: Almaty, Kazbek bi street 30 Phone: 8 (727) 2 91 47 66 - Directorate of the Institute of Natural and Geographic sciences +7 (701) 098 88 77 - Sagymbayeva A.E. +7 (777) 216 03 84 - Nurakhmetova A.R. E-mail: him.konf@mail.ru
Article format requirements
1. Editor Microsoft Word for Windows. 2. Languages - Kazakh, Russian and English. 3. Size of sheet: А4, text orientation - «book». 4. The font - Times New Roman, size 14, with margins on the top and bottom - 2,5cm, left-3cm and right 1,5cm. 5. Line spacing - single spaced (1,0). 6. The red line (indentation) the text of 1.25cm, on the left and right - 0. 7. The alignment of the boundaries of the text to perform in width. Using page breaks, columns, rarefied or concise inter-letter interval in the articles is not allowed. 8. The text in hard-to-read fonts, graphics, diagrams, pictures and so on scanned and inserted into the article in the form of a picture with a resolution of at least 300 dpi 9. Automatic numeration of the list of literature is not allowed. Numeration of lists in the text is done manually. 10. The list of references (12 fonts) is made at the end of the article in the order of using the literature in accordance with GOST 7.0.5- 2008. The links in the text to the relevant sources are formatted in square brackets, the source number in the list of references is indicated, and after the comma - the page number, for example [5, p. 26]. 11. Numeration of pages is not allowed. 12. The title of the article, authors, place of work. Font - italic.
The materials are published in the author`s edition. The Organizing Committee reserves the right of technical editing or rejection of material that does not correspond to the topic or is issued in violation of the requirements. Example of article format