Problems of Turkology and the transition to the Latin alphabet are discussed
On October 25, the international conference «Basics of Turkic writing» was held in Abai Kazakh national pedagogical University together with the center for the development of languages and the transition to Latin graphics of the akimat of Almaty and the scientific and practical center «Latyn». During the conference, presentations were made by such scientists as Zhunisbek Alimhan, Danday Skakuly, Fauzia Orazbayeva and their colleagues from Turkey Mehmet Onal, Bulent Bayram, Osman Kabadayi, Mahmut Dogu.
The scientific analysis of actual problems of Turkology is carried outa nd the ways of effective solution of the introduction of the Latin alphabet in Turkic-speaking countries were considered. Scientists of the two states exchanged views on issues such as history, theory and methods of teaching Latin scripts, the use of Latin in Turkish-speaking countries, the use of innovative technologies in teaching the Kazakh alphabet on a Latin basis, the discussion of scientific problems in classrooms and in public meetings, ways to solve them and the results obtained.

Institute of Philology and multilingual education