21.12.2015 Staff of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai congratulates award winners of Y.Altynsarin for the best scientific research and the work of "Ulttyk tarbie" ("National education")in the field education academician of NAS RK, the rector of Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai Pralyiev Serik Zhaylauovich, Director of the Research Institute of the formation of the intellectual nation Nureyev Marat Almasaevich and employees of the Institute Seysenbayeva Zhanar Aytbergenovna, Aganin Kundyz Zhamievna, Sadykova Assem Erikovna, as well as the owner of the State scientific grant doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor Musataeva Manatgul Shayakhmetovna / Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated from July 19, 2011 № 830 "About the awards in the field of science and state research scholarships "and the order of MES RK №686 from December 7, 2015 / |