Department of Kazakh Language Theory and Teaching Methods | ![]()
MISSION: To train competitive teachers of the Kazakh language who are guided by advanced methods of global trends, the principles of democratic education, personalized learning (personalization), and have a deep understanding of the role of the teacher. They should be able to integrate national values into the current education process. Concept: Becoming a leading center for training teachers of the Kazakh language of a new formation. About the Department: The history of the department dates back to the 1928-1929s when the Department of Linguistics-Pedagogy was headed by A. Baitursynov and K. Zhubanov. In 1937, it was divided into separate departments dealing with the teaching of the Kazakh language and literature. Since September 2020, the head of the department has been Doctor of Sciences in Philology N.A. Ilyasova.
Teaching Staff of the Department: Corresponding member of NAS RK - 1; Doctors of Sciences - 8; Candidates of Sciences - 11; PhD - 5; senior teachers with a master`s degree - 4; senior teacher - 1.
Scientific and methodological achievements:
Winners of the research project of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - supervisors of the project Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan F.Sh.Orazbayeva; Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Professor K.O.Esenova. Internal Project funded by Abay Kazakh National Pedagogical University. Winners of research project for young scientists of the university: S.A.Zhirenov, M.Imankulova. Winners of competition for the position Research Professor: Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, corresponding member of the National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan F.Sh.Orazbayeva; Doctor of Sciences in Philology, Professor K.O.Esenova. Winners of competition for postdoctoral studies: PhD, acting Associate Professor Moldagali B., PhD, acting Associate Professor Imankulova M.A. Winners of the project «500 scientist » under the programme «Bolashak»: PhD, acting Associate Professor ZH.T.Belasarova, PhD, acting Associate Professor G.E. Dyusembina.
Student contingent: The department admits over 1300 bachelors, more than 40 masters, and more than 20 doctoral students in pedagogical and humanitarian specialties. Auditorium Fund for the organization of educational processes at the Department: - 4 classrooms equipped with ICT facilities; - 10 classrooms equipped with a panel board; - 1 computer class; - 1 language laboratory; - 18 classrooms.
Training specialists on three levels of education (Baccalaureate, magistracy, doctorate) is carried out according to the following educational programs:
Advantages of studying in our specialty:
- Continuing education: acquiring education under Bachelor`s, Master`s, and Doctoral programs. - Education in foreign countries under academic mobility programs. - Active participation in educational work, online courses based on the teachings of the great Abai "Perfect Man." - Methodological training: future teachers will improve their professional skills during the professional support forum. - Improvement of scientific, cultural, historical cognitive abilities of students through the activities of the clubs «Soztanym», «Til-tanym», «Erudite», «Umai».