05.03.2025 A meeting of the Special Pedagogy Department will be held to discuss Sh.M.Usenbayeva doctoral thesis On March 19, 2025, at 14:30 pm the extended meeting of the Special Pedagogy Department the Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology at the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University the dissertation work of Usenbayeva Shynar Mutanovna «Developing information culture in visually impaired teenagers within a specialized library setting» for obtaining the Doctor degree of Philosophy (PhD) by specialty 8D019 - Training of specialists in special pedagogy (6D010500 - Defectology/8D01901 - Training of specialists in special pedagogy) will be discussed.
The dissertation was conducted at Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University. The language of the defence is Kazakh.
SCIENTIFIC ADVISORS: Butabayeva Laura Askarovna - PhD, Associate Professor. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Kulesha Eva Maria - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, рrofessor. Maria Grzegorzewska Academy of Special Pedagogy (Warsaw, Poland).
OFFICIAL REVIEWERS: Baydildinov Talgat Zharylkasynovich - Candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University (Almaty, Kazakhstan). Omirbek Saltanat Zhenisovna - Candidate of Psychological Sciences, associate professor. Kazakh National Women`s Teacher Training University (Almaty, Kazakhstan).
ID: 999 0451 6185 Пароль: 1234 Address: 050010, Almaty, Tole bi str., 31, Faculty of Pedagogy and Psychology, office №17.