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16.01.2025 A scientific seminar will be held under the Dissertation Council On January 27, 2025, at 11:00, the Scientific Seminar under the Dissertation Council of the Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University in the direction of 8D017-Training of Teachers in Languages and Literature will discuss the dissertation work on the topic «Methodology of Teaching the Old Turkic language at Higher Educational Institutions» prepared by Sadibekov Askat Kenesovich in educational program "8D01705 - Kazakh Language and Literature".
The scientific seminar will be held in offline and online formats.
Eskeeva Magripa Kaynarbayovna - doctor of philological sciences, professor. Eurasian National University named after L. N. Gumilev (Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan).
FOREIGN SCIENTIFIC CONSULTANT: Ali Ylgyn - PhD, Associate Professor Istanbul University (Istanbul, Republic of Turkey).
ZOOM: Conference ID: 975 8574 0962 Access code: 1234 Address: 050010, Almaty, Dostyk Street, 13, Main academic building (4th floor, Office 412).