Department of Special Pedagogy | ![]()
Abai KazNPU is the first University in our country, and was founded in 1927.
In 1976, the Faculty of Defectology was opened at KazPI named after Abai. It also became the first defectology faculty in Central Asia and Kazakhstan. The faculty had one department of «Oligophrenopedagogy». In 1980, the Department of Speech Therapy and Psychopathology was opened at the Defectology faculty of KazPI named after Abai. This was the second department of the Faculty of Defectology. In the 1985-1986 academic year, the first students were enrolled in the Department of sign language teaching. Then the department of «Sign Language Teaching» was opened.
In 1988, the Department of Sign Language Pedagogy was merged with the Department of Speech Therapy and Psychopathology.
In 1999, the composition of the faculty changed, and these two departments merged into the Department of «Special Pedagogy», which worked until 2015, and then «Special Education». The department is part of the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology.
Since 2020, the Institute of Pedagogy and Psychology has switched to a horizontal cyclic management structure. Currently, the department is called: «Special Pedagogy». The department is headed by Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor Akbota Nursultanovna Autayeva.
The following popular educational programs have been developed and implemented at the Department of Special Pedagogy: Bachelor`s degree courses (1st stage) «6B01901-Special pedagogy» (IP); «6B01901-Special pedagogy: Sign language teaching»; «6B01902-Special pedagogy: Speech therapy»; «6B01903-Special pedagogy: Oligophrenopedagogy»; «6B01904-Special pedagogy: Typhlopedagogy».
Directions of the master`s degree (2nd stage): «7M01901-Special pedagogy: Sign language teaching»; «7M01902-Special pedagogy: Speech therapy»; «7M01906-Special pedagogy: Inclusive education». 7M01908-Special pedagogy: Support for children with autism spectrum disorders
Directions of doctoral studies (3rd stage): «8D01901- Special pedagogy».
License. Rating. Accreditation.
Specialty 6B019; 7 M019; 8D019- Special pedagogy is carried out on the basis of a special license by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Education Control Committee №751 dated May 2, 2013.
Quality certificate of NAAR accreditation for the educational program 6B019, 7M019 - Special Pedagogy (2022-2027).
Passed the institutional accreditation of the independent Agency for Quality Assurance of education (IQAA - 09.12.19-06.12.24) under the educational program «6D010500 (8D019)-Defectology».
All implemented educational programs are designed in accordance with the existing requirements (educational standards approved by the Academic Council of the University) and are accompanied by the necessary educational and methodological support (methodological recommendations for independent work, UMKD, syllabuses, presentations, electronic lectures, video lectures, etc.).
When implementing educational programs in all specialties , the following are used: - traditional (lectures, practical classes, preparation and work with abstracts) and active teaching methods (business games, analysis and analysis of situations, problem solving, case technologies, portfolio technology, trainings, etc.); - various forms of work with students - group and individual classes, consultations in full-time and remote mode in accordance with the training conditions and methodological recommendations of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the organization of the educational process in the system of higher professional education.
The control of the training sessions by the teaching staff, the effectiveness and efficiency of the educational activities of the department is carried out through: - mutual attendance of classes by the staff of the department and their subsequent evaluation; - attending classes conducted by the staff of the department, the head of the department, followed by an analysis of its compliance with existing requirements; - monitoring the assessment of students` opinions about the quality of classes and the features of pedagogical interaction; - conducting open classes by the staff of the department with the invitation of the head of the department, dean, students of other training programs, etc.
The acquired experience of professional activity is reflected in the recommendations developed by the staff of the department (a map of the analysis of classes attended, a questionnaire of listeners` opinions on the effectiveness of employees` work; recommendations for the preparation and writing of graduation papers; updating of methodological guidelines for students on the implementation of diploma projects provided by the SES and educational programs, educational and teaching aids (include materials for independent work - reference materials on individual psychological and pedagogical disciplines, examination tests; recommendations for students on conducting lectures and practical classes, on the design of presentations and a course of lectures) in the development of teaching materials for distance learning provided by educational programs.
The educational process at the department is carried out using information learning tools: computers, a projector, a screen for demonstrating presentations, a vatsap, a Moodle program, etc. Uni systems and e-mail for remote implementation of the form of work.
To date, the Department of Special Pedagogy is the leading department for the training of pedagogical personnel for special (correctional) educational organizations of the Republic of Kazakhstan.