Departement of World History |
Professor H.A.Suteyeva lectured at the professional advancement courses
In accordance with the plan of the courses of the Centre for Continuing Education and Distance Learning of Abai KazNPU for the current academic year, Professor of the Department of World History, Institute of History and Law H.A. Suteyeva from January 31 to February 10, 2022 held online courses lectures on «Russian historiography of the history of Kazakhstan before the revolution of 1917: the basic concepts and ideologemes».
During the class the lecturer proved the relevance of studying this problem at the present time and the necessity of its comprehensive study in the national historiography. The professor comprehensively opened all questions concerning the history of Kazakhstan, studied by Russian scientists in 1730-1917, showed the successes and shortcomings of Russian historiography in the studies of that time, emphasized the Eurocentric, great power meaning of theories and concepts of Russian historiography, concerning the conquest and colonization of Kazakh lands.
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