About us | ![]() Tastanova Assem Dauletovna
Autobiography I am Tastanova Asem Dauletovna, born on January 22, 1990 in the village of Akzhar, Tolebi district, South Kazakhstan region. In 2007, I graduated from the secondary school of the village of Akzhar, in the same year I entered the Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi and graduated in 2011 with a degree in Religious Studies. 2012-2014. Kazakh National University named after al-Farabi, Faculty of Philosophy and Political Science, Department of Cultural Studies and Religious Studies, Master`s degree in Religious Studies, Master`s degree in Humanities. Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abay, Institute of History and Law, Department of Political Science and Social and Philosophical Disciplines, graduated with a Doctor of Sociological Sciences. Completed international research internships: Columbia University (New York, USA) in 2012, Kastamonu University (Kastamonu, Turkey) in 2013, Ankara University (Ankara, Turkey) in 2022. Work experience 2011-2014 Al-Farabi KazNU, leading specialist. 2014-2017 Ablai Khan Kazakh University of International Relations and World Languages, teacher. 2014-2017 Askan-KZ Construction Company LLP, accountant. 2017-2024 Secondary School No. 2 of Abay Village, currently a teacher Institute of History and Law, Institute of History and Law, Department of Political Science and Social and Philosophical Disciplines
Teaching Subjects: Political sociology; Sociology of media and communication; Critical analysis of social processes
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications International and national scientific articles were published: 1. SOCIAL PROBLEMS OF FORMING A CONSCIOUSNESS OF TOLERANCE AS A PREVENTION OF EXTREMISM IN KAZAKHSTAN // "I International Turkological Congress" organized by Chankyri Karatekin University and Turksoi Institute of Turkology, June 8-10, 2022. 2. RELIGIOUS SITUATION IN THE KAZAKH-SPEAKING SEGMENT OF THE INSTAGRAM SOCIAL NETWORK: RESULTS OF CONTENT ANALYSIS//Kazuu news. Psychology and Sociology Series 3. "THE SOCIAL ASPECT OF THE FORMATION OF A CONSCIOUSNESS OF TOLERANCE AND THE PREVENTION OF EXTREMISM IN THE SOCIETY OF KAZAKHSTAN (IN THE EXAMPLE OF STUDENT YOUNG PEOPLE`S VIEWPOINTS ON THE EVENT OF JANUARY 2022)" Kazuu Herald. Psychology and Sociology Series 4. CHAPTER V. HOMO ETHICUS ALPHARABICUM: AL-FARABI`S THEORY OF SOCIAL ETHICS EASTERN AND WESTERN ETHICIANS: A CRITICAL COMPARISON. Cover Design • Motion Graphics Book Layout • Mirajul Kayal First Published • November 2022, Lyon ISBN: 978-2-38236-470-3, 61 pages. 5. Social problems of the formation of awareness of tolerance as prevention of abuse in Kazakhstan. XI International Scientific Symposium "Intercultural Relations in the Modern World". 26.06.2021.
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES - research topics, number of publications: 1. Prevention of extremism on the basis of formation of tolerant consciousness in society Scientific and practical conference of teachers entitled "Modernization of educational content is the need of the hour" on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Almaty College of Communication 18.03. 2021 2. Foundations of formation of tolerant consciousness in society as a prevention of extremism, international conference of young scientists and students called "FARABI WORLD" on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Conference section: "Religion during the years of independence: the Kazakh model of a secular state" 06-08 April 2021. 3. Social aspects of formation of tolerant consciousness in society and prevention of extremism K. A. International scientific and practical online conference "Modern scientific research: topical issues, achievements and innovation" will be held at Yasawi International Kazakh-Turkish University and M. Auezov University of South Kazakhstan. April 16, 2021 4. "Al-biruni as a theologian" 3. International Congress on Multidisciplinary Social Sciences. Manas University 04-06 May 2021
List of awards: 1. Certificate of Honor from the Department of Education of Karasai District, 2023. 2. "Teacher of the Year-2024" Regional stage 3rd place. 3. Acknowledgment letter Regional seminar exchange of experience Topic: "Ways to develop students` historical thinking skills based on historical concepts". 4. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a book video exhibition "Independence and People`s Heritage" 3 degrees, academic year 2021. 5. Department of Education of Karasai District, Best history teacher, 3rd degree, 2022. 6. Certificate for participation in Pedagogical Olympiad 2021 among teachers of Karasai district 2021. 7. Kazakh-American University, certificate for participation in the Republican scientific and experimental conference entitled "Time requirement of updating the content of education" 2021. 8. "Pedagogy-my choice" competition among employees of the field of education held under the organization of the international scientific-informational, educational-educational journal "Pedagogy - my choice" 1st degree diploma
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