About us | ![]() Orazymbetova Kalampyr Zhalgasbayevna
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY Orazymbetova Kalampyr Zhalgasbayevna in 2022 graduated from Al-Farabi Kazakh National University with a degree in «5B050300-Psychology», in 2024 received a master`s degree in social sciences from Turan University with a degree in «7M03107-Psychological counseling». Orazymbetova Kalampyr Zhalgasbaevna is a young specialist who begins his career on the pedagogical path, the owner of several scientific articles and prizes of conferences.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES (list by level of training) Bachelor`s degree: Psychology (module), Psychology in Education (Minor).
SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant). Research topic: «Research on the impact of interaction of modern youth in social networks on stress», «Investigation of the effectiveness of the symboldrama method when working with stress resistance of clients»
1. «Impact research of resilience and features of the coping mechanism on the development of addictive behavior» JOURNAL OF BEHAVIORAL ADDICTIONS. Vol.11.BUDAFOKI UT 187-189-A-3, H-1117 BUDAPEST, HUNGARY: AKADEMIAI KIADO ZRT, 2022. (Co-author: R.Berkinbay, S.Berdibayeva, A.Molbayeva) 2. «Research on the impact of stress on the interaction of modern youth in social networks» Materials of the international scientific conference of students and young scientists «Farabi alemi», Almaty, Kazakhstan, 06-08, April 2022 - C.128-129 ISBN 978-601-04-5975-5 (Co-author: Molbayeva A.Zh., Sadyrkul N.) 3. «The effectiveness of the symbolization method in psychological counseling» Youth and science: present and future: a collection of materials of the III International Scientific and Practical Conference.ISBN 978-601-224-986-6. Almaty: KNPU, 2023. - 146-148b. 4. «The effectiveness of the symbolization method in dealing with stress resistance of clients in psychological science» Development of domestic and world psychology: experience, trends and prospects materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Dzhakupov S. M.- 2024. - Almaty: Kazakh University, 2024. - 236-241 B. ISBN 978-601-04-6679-1 (Co-author: Kasymzhanova A. A.) 5. «Theoretical review of the formation of the concept of personality resistance» Materials of the international scientific and methodological conference «Actual problems of the development of a competitive personality in psychological science and practice» dedicated to Professor S.M.Dzhakupov, Almaty, Kazakhstan, April 29, 2022 - pp.37-39 ISBN 978-601-04-5979-3 (Co-author: Berkinbai R.M., Berdibaeva S.K., Rakymzhan A.A..)
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITY - research topics, number of publications (indicate 5 significant).
AWARDS 1. Certificate: issued that she completed a refresher course as part of a multi-stage training in Cathathymic imaginative psychotherapy at an educational and practical seminar: "Introduction to the method of Cathathymic imaginative psychotherapy. Primary diagnosis and psychocorrection in KIP". Number of hours: 30 (2022) 2. Certificate: issued that she completed a refresher course as part of a multi-stage training in Cathathymic imaginative psychotherapy at an educational and practical seminar: "The main stage of KIP. The motives of Oral themes. Working with the maternal complex, archaic satisfaction in KIP (activation and stabilization of resources) (A2)" Number of hours: 30 (2022)
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