About us | ![]() Orynbaeva Laura Kanybekovna
SHORT AUTOBIOGRAPHY 07.02.1987 year of birth, Kazakh, higher education. In 2004, she graduated from the lyceum school of M.H.Dulati Taraz State University in Zhambyl region, Taraz city. In 2008, she graduated from Taraz State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Pedagogy and Psychology. (Bachelor`s degree) In 2010, she graduated from the Master`s degree program at the Taraz State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in Pedagogy and Psychology. (Master`s degree) In 2019, she graduated from the doctoral program at Abai KazNPU with a degree in Pedagogy and Psychology. (doctoral studies) In 2022, she defended her doctoral dissertation on the topic "Formation of personal qualities of students in the conditions of informatization of extracurricular activities" at Abai KazNPU. Work experience: 2010-2011 She worked as a teacher and Chairman of the Council of Young Scientists at Shymkent Socio-Pedagogical University, Shymkent city. 2012-2014 She worked as a Manager for International Relations and Research at the Kazakh University of Technology and Business, Astana city. 2015-2016 She worked as an inspector of the Personnel Management Service at the Zhambyl regional Tuberculosis dispensary. 2019-2024 worked as a senior lecturer at the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology at Abai KazNPU. Since 2024, he has been working as a PhD, senior lecturer at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports at Abai KazNPU.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES Undergraduate: Art therapy in the activity of a teacher-psychologist, the regulatory and legislative framework of the professional activity of a teacher-psychologist, Self-management and image of a teacher-psychologist, Prevention of violations of psychological health of the individual, Personality Psychology, Psychology of communication, the basics of pedagogical skills, etc. I teach in Kazakh, Russian. In the master`s degree: Design of educational and methodological support of educational programs in higher education, Pedagogical design in higher education, Management psychology.
SCIENTIFIC WORKS 1. Development of Electronic Resources on the Formation of Personal Qualities of Schoolchildren. //Journal of Intellectual Disability - Diagnosis and Treatment. - 2020.- Vol.8, Iss.4-P.777-783. (co-authored by Kosherbaeva Aigerim Nuralievna, Grinshkun Vadim Valerevich, Bidaibekov Yesen Yklasovich and Kosherbaeva Gaziza Nuralievna and Zhanat Bissenbayeva.) https://www.lifescienceglobal.com/pms/index.php/jiddt/article/view/7114 2. Factors of informatization of extracurricular activities at school, contributing to the personal development of students //KazNPU named after Abai BULLETIN SERIES "Physical and mathematical sciences".- Almaty.-2019.-№2 (66).- Pp.261-265. ISSN 1728-7901. https://bulletin-phmath.kaznpu.kz/index.php/ped/issue/view/9 3. Principles and conditions for the use of information technology in the framework of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. //KazNPU named after Abai "Pedagogy and Psychology" Scientific and methodological journal.- Almaty.-2019.-№2 (39).- Pp.77-85. ISSN 2077-6861(co-authored: Grinshkun V.V., Bidaibekov E.Y., Kosherbaeva A.N.) https://journal-pedpsy.kaznpu.kz/index.php/ped/issue/view/10 4. Types and features of informatization tools used for the development of personal qualities of schoolchildren in extracurricular activities. //KazNPU named after Abai BULLETIN SERIES "Physical and mathematical sciences".- Almaty.- 2019.-№3 (67).- Pp.218-223 ISSN 1728-7901(co-authored: Kosherbaeva A.N.) https://bulletin-phmath .kaznpu.kz/index.php/ped/issue/view/8 5. Effective ways of forming personal qualities of students in the conditions of informatization of extracurricular activities of the school. //BULLETIN of KazNPU named after Abai, series "Pedagogical sciences".- Almaty.- 2021.-№4 (72).- Pp. 254-261. https://bulletin-pedagogy.kaznpu.kz/index.php/ped/issue/view/16 6. Informatization of the educational environment and virtual communities as factors of psychological and pedagogical impact on the modern student. //"Pedagogy and psychology". Scientific and methodological journal of KazNPU named after Abai.- Almaty.- 2021.-№4 (49).- Pp.134-143. (co-authored by G.B.Tautaeva, Az.N.Kosherbayeva, A.Z.Alipbek) https://journal-pedpsy.kaznpu.kz/index.php/ped/issue/archive 7. Information technologies and ways of their use for the formation of significant personal qualities within the framework of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren. //Mathematical modeling and information technologies in education and science: Proceedings of the IX International Scientific and Methodological Conference dedicated to the 75th anniversary of Professor E.Y.Bidaibekov and the 35th anniversary of school informatics. KazNPU named after Abai.- Almaty.- 2020. pp.377-382. ISBN 978-601-298-715-7 file:///C:/Users/Professional/Downloads/-2020.pdf 8. Al-Farabi shygarmashylyk murasy- tarikhtyn azhyramas boligi. //Collection of scientific articles of the International scientific and practical conference "Zhambyl Zhabaev and the problems of national education in the era of new challenges". KazNPU named after Abai.- Almaty.-2021. pp.299-302. ISBN 978-601-353-067-3 (co-authored: Sakhieva L.M.) 9. Al-Farabidin syndarly pedagogicalyk juyesi -gylym-philosophiyalyk murasyn azhyramas boligi. //Collection of scientific articles of the International Scientific and Practical conference dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Audanbek Kobesov "Audanbek Kobesov is the creator of the image of Al-Farabi as a philosopher-thinker, mathematician, naturalist, teacher and modern education". KazNPU named after Abai.- Almaty.-2022. pp.187-192. (co-authored by: Baidaliev D.D., Umbetbaev K.U.) https://kobesov90.kaznpu.kz/ru/ 10. Belgisizdik pedagogicalyk zhane psychologiyalyk aspectyleri zhane olardyn zhasospirimderdegi kasibi ozin-ozi anyktau procesine aseri. // Abai KazNPU, L.N.Gumilev Eurasian National University. Scientific discussion. (Republican scientific and practical conference with international participation) "Personality in a situation of uncertainty: discourse during life." Collection of scientific papers. Almaty.-2024. pp.97-101. (co-authored by Usen A.B.) https://www.kaznpu.kz/ru/32736/news/ 11. Okushylardyn communicative dagdylaryn zamanaui interbelsendi technologiyalary arkyly damytu. //International scientific journal AKADEMIK.- Astana.- No.2 (248), 2024. pp.26-29. (co-authored: Bolatbek N.J.) https://journal-academic.com/f/mezhdunarodnyj_nauchnyj_zhurnal_akademik_1504_chast_2_3.pdf 12. Zhogary synyp okushylaryn kasibi ozin-ozi anyktauyn kalyptastruda zamanaui cyflyk technologiyalardi koldanu. //Kazakhstan mektebi. No.3 (1178), 2024. B.14-16. (co-authored by Usen A.B.) kaz_mektep@mail.ru
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