About us | ![]() Sovetbay Makpal Sovetbaykyzy
BRIEF BIOGRAPHY Born on 08/26/1996, Kazakh, higher education. 2003-2014 graduate of the educational institution No. 1 named after Ozhek Zhanabayev in the village of Kegen, Raiymbek district, Almaty region. 2015-2019 Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism. Master`s degree 2019-2021. Kazakh Academy of Sports and Tourism. Work experience: 2019-2021. Almaty, Polytechnic College 2021-2024. Almaty, gymnasium No.133.
SUBJECTS TAUGHT Physical Culture
ACHIEVEMENTS In 2017, the III place of the Republic of Kazakhstan (grappling kures). 2018-winner of the international tournament, 1st place (grappling gi). 2018-silver medalist of the Asian Championship (grappling gi), 1st place. In 2021, he took 2nd place in the Almaty championship in "hand combat". In 2021, at the republican tournament among physical education teachers dedicated to the 30th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the first place among young people aged 24-34 and a badge and a special certificate "The best physical education teacher" were held. In 2024, he took 3rd place in the first Tug of war competition in Kazakhstan.
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