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Bakytkarim Yrysgul



Bakytkarim yrysgul  was born in 1988 in the China, Altai region, nationality:Kazakh ,was born in 1988 in the People`s Republic of China, in Altai, after graduating from high school in 2008 he entered the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, in 2012 he graduated with honors from the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. 2012-2014 yy. studied full-time at the Master`s Department of Analytical Chemistry, Rare Elements and Colloid Chemistry. In 2020, he successfully defended his PhD thesis.

From 2011 to 2016, she worked as a chemistry teacher at the Lyceum School No. 163 in Almaty. From 2016 to 2020, he worked as an assistant lecturer at the Department of Analytical Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies, South China University of Technology. 2020-2022 worked as a researcher at the Institute of Chemical Sciences named after A. B. Bekturov. Since 2022 he has been working as a senior lecturer at Abai KazNPU.





Graduation Date

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Chemistry researcher


Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Master degree






Date of issue of diploma



Electrochemistry (Natural Sciences)




Undergraduate studies: General Analytical Chemistry, Chemical Ecology, Nanochemistry, electrochemistry



Research work is directed to the study of the methodological problem of studying chemistry in high school and pedagogical universities; environmental problems on the territory of Kazakhstan and ways to solve them. Scientific activity is also aimed at improving the preparation of students, improving the quality of their education.

Published more than 8 scientific articles in domestic and foreign publications, of which 5 articles were published in journals with an impact factor:

-  Сирек жер элементтерін бөліп алу мақсатында лантаннің 2,2 -дипиридилдің комплексті қосылстарының түзілу қасиеттері зерттелді және лантан(III) 2,2 -дипиридил жүйесінде түзілген комплексті қосылыстың тұрақтылық константаларының мәндері мен құрамы анықтау және зерттеу. ҒЫЛЫМ ӘЛЕМІ.-2012.- 

-  Бақыткәрім Ырысгул., Тұрсынболат С.,Платиналы электрод көмегімен тотықтрғыштарды анықтау шарттарынзерттеу. «Әл-фараби әлемі»-2014-c8

-  Бақыткәрім Ы,. Калугина С.М., Абилова М.У., Күкртқышқылды ертінділердегі асқынкүкіртқышқылды потенциометрлік анықтау

- Yrysgul Bakytkarim, Satar Tursynbolat, Qiang Zeng, Jianzhi Huang, Lishi Wang. A Highly Sensitive Determination of Parathion Pesticide by Solid-Phase Extraction on a Silicon Carbide Nanoparticles Modified Electrode.ChemistrySelect .2018,3:11510-11516.

-  Yrysgul Bakytkarim, Satar Tursynbolat, Qiang Zeng, Jianzhi Huang, Lishi Wang. Nanomaterial ink for on-site painted sensor on studies of the electrochemical detection of organophosphorus pesticide residuals of supermarket vegetables.      Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry. 2019,841:45-50.

-  Tursynbolat Satar, Bakytkarim Yrysgul, Jianzhi Huang, Lishi Wang.Ultrasensitive electrochemical determination of metronidazole based on polydopamine/carboxylic multi-walled carbon nanotubes nanocomposites modified GCE.Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis          . 2018, 8(2):124-130

-  Tursynbolat Satar, Bakytkarim Yrysgul,Jianzhi Huang, Lishi Wang. Highly sensitive simultaneous electrochemical determination of myricetin and rutin via solid phase extraction on a ternary Pt@r-GO@MWCNTs nanocomposite. Journal of Pharmaceutical Analysis.2019,9(5):358-366.

-   Yrysgul Bakytkarim, Satar Tursynbolat, Jianzhi Huang, and Lishi Wang,. Free-enzymatic Indirect Detection of Malathion by SiC@CuO-NPs Composite Nanomaterial Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode. ChemistrySelect .2021,6:4056-4062




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