About us | ![]() Artykbayev Nurbol Erboluly
BRIEF AUTOBIOGRAPHY My name is Nurbol Erboluly Artykbaev, and I was born on May 20, 1999 in the village of Taskesken, Urjar district, Abay region. In 2006, I went to 1st grade, and in 2012 I entered the "Kazakh-Turkish" Lyceum for especially gifted children, which is currently known as the "Bilim-Innovation" Lyceum. I successfully completed it in 2017. From 2017 to 2021, I studied at the Faculty of Information Technology at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, majoring in Information Systems. From 2021 to 2023, I studied at the Master`s program at the Institute of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics of the Kazakh National Pedagogical University named after Abai, majoring in Computer Science.
TEACHING DISCIPLINES Web Programming Basics Programming Database systems Fundamentals of functional and object-oriented programming Digital technologies in education Object-oriented programming IC Interfaces Information Communication Technologies Computer networks and information security Digital technologies and databases Educational robotics and mechatronics
SCIENTIFIC AND METHODOLOGICAL ACTIVITIES 1.Методика внедрения решений искусственного интеллекта (ИИ) в профессиональную деятельность педагога: Республиканский научно-методический педагогический журнал" Білім times". №3(61)2022 ж., 2022. -Б.4. 2.Интеграция ChatGPT в профессиональные услуги для учителей: возможности и преимущества: IV Международная студенческая научно-практическая конференция «Цифровой молодежный форум YDF-2023». - Алматы, 2023. В печати.
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