«Rector of the Year»
For the 27th anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the 20th anniversary of Astana, the national socio-political newspaper «Kazak uni» and the national page of Qazaquni.kz defined «The Man of the Year - 2018».
The 2018 «Men of the Year» of national portal «Kazakh uni» and the national newspaper Kazakh uni.kz. were defined. Within the framework of this tradition, the readers could choose the person, the country`s hard-working citizens that they wanted to celebrate.
The voting was conducted through telephone inquiries, sms, e-mails, and social networking, and a specially created Panel of Experts identified the best of 2018.
According to the results of the contest «Man of the Year - 2018», the rector of Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, Professor Takir Balykbayev became the «Rector of the Year» among the best in Kazakhstan.

The rector of the year - Taker Balykbayev
In honor of the 90th anniversary of Abai KazNPU the Kazakh university celebrated its worthy title. Takir Ospanuly is a person who has demonstrated the University internationally. He is well known in the field of science. This year the President met with the rector and thanked for his work.
Department of Public Relations