Dear teachers, staff, students, undergraduates and doctoral students!
The Day of the First President is a day of historical choice, a day of national unity and accord in Kazakhstan. The first President of our country forever went down in history as a person whose name is associated to all the achievements of sovereign Kazakhstan, as an outstanding politician on a global scale, all of whose activities are a vivid example of serving his people, his homeland.
The first President of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev, is an outstanding state and political figure who has devoted his efforts and talent to the best social, economic and political development of the country and the creation of a competitive state. Therefore, the strategic thinking and far-sighted policy of the President are admired by world leaders and cause sincere respect.
Dear Colleagues! I cordially congratulate you on this significant holiday - the Day of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan!
I sincerely wish good health, happiness, peace and well-being to each family, success in work for the continued prosperity of our sovereign state!
May our Motherland, the Republic of Kazakhstan be strengthened and advance!
May all our undertakings, be productive, and our future be bright!
Respectfully, rector Takir Balykbayev